Investigate multiple concepts addressing the Design Program objectives, goals, constraints, user orientation, and market needs established in Phase 1. Including aesthetic directions, and unique product features.
Result – concept design directions and/or models to evaluate aesthetic, compartmentalization, and operational recommendations.
Activities & Deliverables
- Concepts explored in a series of 2D sketches, renderings, and/or preliminary CG (Computer Generated) renderings – illustrating design and functional directions.
- Preliminary fabric component breakdown / interface arrangement alternatives are explored.
- Simple 3D Concept Form Studies in sheet foam are explored to prove out shape and function of concept.
- Concepts are evaluated for further development.
Continued development, evolution, and refinement, including studies of unique panel configuration, usability, stacking, nesting, ‘new’ storage opportunities, and their effects on the chosen design directions.
Result – Refined product directions that meet all desired goals of the Product Definition, for refinement into validation.
Activities & Deliverables
- Development and refinement of proposed design directions in 2D sketches, renderings, CG modeling & renderings, and 3D Concept Form studies.
- Part breakdown / interface / configuration refined to establish volume parameters direction.
- Prototypes of chosen design directions are generated and evaluated in terms of aesthetics, usability, and component interaction and user orientation issues.
- Preliminary contact with Production Partners and coordination for feedback of proposed designs.
- Materials & process investigation.
- Product surface finish treatments, graphics, and preliminary color studies.